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- 2019-June-3
Excellent Researcher Award
- 2019-May-30
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- 2019-January-10
Publication highlighted by Editors
- 2018-October-30
Publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (JPCL)
As a result of a joint research project between KKRK and scientists at the University of Debrecen, a paper titled "Conical intersections induced by quantum light: field-dressed spectra from the weak to the ultrastrong coupling regimes" was published in the prestigious journal of JPCL. The published article contains the theoretical framework for computing the absorption and stimulated emission spectrum of molecules dressed by the quantized radiation field of a microscopic cavity. ...
- 2018-September-25
Publication among top 10 most read papers of JPCRD
A research article co-authored by members of KKRK is among the top 10 most read papers of The Journal of Physical Chemistry Reference Data in 2018. The paper demonstrates state-of-the-art determination of thermochemical functions for heavy water and its substituent isotopologues. The accurate data published can be used to predict the gas-phase thermodynamic properties of heavy water at very low, or elevated temperatures. ...