Latest News
- February 20, 2013
Attila Császár won the Polanyi Prize
It was announced on February 20 that Prof. Attila Császár, the head of our laboratory, will receive the Polanyi prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The award ceremony will take place at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on March 12.
- January 8, 2013
Tamás Szidarovszky´s successful PhD defense
On January 8 Tamás Szidarovszky defended summa cum laude his PhD thesis entitled "Rovibrational spectra near dissociation". ...
- December 14, 2012
Gábor Czakó´s paper highlighted by Science
The recent paper of Gábor Czakó and co-workers on the validity of the Polanyi rules was highlighted by the Editors of the Science magazine. The joint Chinese-American-Hungarian theoretical study found that the Polanyi rules, originally developed for simple A + BC reactions, hold for the more complex Cl + CHD3 reaction, except at low collision energies. The Science Editors´ Choice can be found here and the highlighted paper can be accessed via the link.
...- December 10, 2012
Csaba Fábri´s successful PhD defense
On December 10 Csaba Fábri defended summa cum laude his PhD thesis entitled "Quantum chemical computation and characterization of rotational-vibrational states of semirigid and flexible polyatomic molecules". ...
- November 27, 2012
Gábor Czakó won the Junior Prima Prize
Dr. Gábor Czakó received the Junior Prima Prize in the Hungarian Science Category. The Junior Prima Prize is one of the most prestigious awards in Hungary given each year to ten outstanding scientists under age 33. The award ceremony took place at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on November 27, 2012. ...